The second in our series: Mihika sent in this photograph of her beautiful mum and shared what she loves about her mum’s style.
“I love my mom's style, because she chooses comfort over everything else and I bet she's thankful we weren't the same size growing up because I'd have stolen half her closet”~ Mihika.
Her mum’s style inspired her love for relaxed, comfort dressing, and she says she’s had no problem making joggers her staple wear during the lockdown in London where she’s based. She does have a distinction between the various pairs in her collection- “I have fancy and non fancy ones,” she smiles.
A big thank you to both Mihika and her mum for sharing this story with us.
— Mihika Agnihotri is a talented pet portrait artist, based in the UK and her mum Ameeta Agnihotri is a food critic based in Chennai.